To continue its philanthropic efforts and support the community it serves, Clear Essence Cosmetics donated over 300 products to the 2014 Annual Festival of Arts and Cultural Expo and Awards (F.A.C.E.) hosted by AfriQtalk. The event took place May 2-3, 2014 with the theme “Harnessing Culture for Competitive Advantage” at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Atlanta, GA.

The annual goal of F.A.C.E. was to make Nigeria a more prosperous tourist destination and promote the culture that resides in the history and present day environment of the country. The festival’s main objectives are to foster intercultural relationships, promote cultural ties and multiculturalism, attract foreign investment, create employment opportunities, accelerate rural and urban integration and strengthen the economic engagement by creating mutual trade relationships.
The conference provided networking events, educational programs, presentations and cultural displays and exhibits. There were also celebrities present along with live performances during the award ceremony. Overall it was a fulfilling weekend that revealed the vast potential of Nigeria and other African countries.
The benefit and educational value of this event made it a perfect effort for Clear Essence Cosmetics to lend its support towards. The products were given to those in attendance along with other sponsored gifts in order to continue empowering the African community and instilling confidence in the attending group.
We were honored to be contacted by the F.A.C.E. awards team and we hope to participate again next year! Clear Essence Cosmetics will only continue to support similar and diverse events that benefit the local and expanded community.